Texas Stars Online Auctions with DASH

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Please read below for a list of commonly asked questions about Texas Stars Specialty jersey auctions.

How Will I Know If I've Been Outbid?

If you're bidding through the Texas Stars Mobile App, you'll receive an email notification with a link back to the auction item. If you're bidding through the DASH mobile app, you'll receive a push notification.

When Does The Auction End?

Bidding for the silent auction will end at 9:00 PM CST. (Auctions that end on Sunday's will conclude at 7:00 PM CST)

Can We Pay With Cash Or Check?

Yes; please stop by the Foundation Table behind Section 104 to get setup!

Do We Get To Meet The Player & Have Our Photo Taken After The Game?

At the end of the game, winners will report to the Texas Stars player tunnel to get their photo with the player. 

Can I Still Win A Jersey If I Am Not At The Game?

Yes. With our online bidding system, you can bid from anywhere! If you are not available to claim your jersey the night of the auction, you will be contacted the following Monday about local pick/ shipping options.

Can I Still Bid At The Foundation Table?

Yes via tablet. There will no longer be paper bid sheets available.